Pavel Makov was born in 1958 in St. Petersburg. Lives and works in Kharkiv, Ukraine.


1974–79 Crimean Art College, Painting Department, Simferopol, Ukraine

1977–78 Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Russia

1979–84 Kharkiv Art and Industrial Institute, Graphic Department, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Solo Exhibition

2 0 1 7
Fountain, Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum, Lviv, Ukraine
Plans 2017, Dukat Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 0 1 6
Encounters III, with Victoria Vinogradova, Galleria Doris Ghetta, Ortisei Italy
2 0 1 5
Margin, Ya Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
Margin, Ya Gallery, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
2 0 1 4
Paradiso Perduto, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 1 3
Set, HudPromo, Odessa, Ukraine
2 0 1 2
Blanket, Garden, Tower, Cross, Fate”, Pinchuk Art Centre, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 1 0
Donrosa, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 0 9
Through the Looking-Glass, Municipal Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Alleys, Ya Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 0 8
Gardens, Art Center Dzyga, Lviv, Ukraine
Gardens, Ya Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 0 7
Artist books & Miniatures, Ya Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
Gardens, Postimperial Disquietness, The Czech Museum of Fine Arts, Prague, Czech Republic
20 years after, Tsekh Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 0 6
Gardens, National Museum of Russian Art, Kiev, Ukraine
Gardens, Bereznitsky Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 0 4
Siege of the Pentagon, Guelman Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2 0 0 3
Siege of the Pentagon, Atelier Karas, Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
UtopiA, 1993-2003, retrospective, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 0 2
UtopiA, fragments, Atelier Karas Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
UtopiA, fragments, Palitra Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Tin Diaries, Gallery Groll, Naarden, Holland
Tin Diaries, Contemporary Art Center SOVIART & Guelman Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 0 1
Tin Diaries, City Art Museum, Gyor, Hungary
Tin Diaries, MML, Allested, Denmark
Tin Diaries, Palitra Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2 0 0 0
The Book of Days, Center for Contemporary Art, Kiev, Ukraine
The Book of Days, Fragments, Chamaliers, France
The Book of Days, Fragments, Kaliningrad Art Museum, Kaliningrad, Russia
Anatomy of a Target and Other Stories, Groll Gallery, Naarden, Holland
1 9 9 9
Anatomy of a Target and Other Stories, Grapheion Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Fragments, City Art Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
Anatomy of a Target, Atelier Karas, Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
1 9 9 8
Our Landscape. Epilogue, Naprotiv, Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Our Landscape, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Kiev, Ukraine
1 9 9 7
Botanical Garden, Atelier Karas, Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
1 9 9 6
Yakut Gallery, Moscow, Russia
The Place, Blank-Art Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
Card-index, National Museum of Russian Art, Kiev, Ukraine
1 9 9 4
Museum of Anna Akhmatova, St. Petersburg, Russia
The Place, Szuper Gallery, Munich, Germany
The Place, Blank-Art Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
1 9 9 2
City Art Museum, Kaliningrad, Russia

Group Exhibitions

Diary, Research library of Ivan Franko National University, Lviv, Ukraine
City of KhA, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

2 0 1 5
Practice of Metamorphosis, The Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
Border Line, Ukrainian Art 1985—2004, PinchukArtCentre, Kiev, Ukraine
Cossack Contemporary, Bunsen Goetz Gallery, Nurnberg, Germany
2 0 1 4
In our Paradise, Ya Gallery art center, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Premonition: Ukrainian Art Now, Saatchi Gallery, London, England
In our paradise..., Modern Art Research Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 1 3
Economics in Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Krakow, Poland
Contemporary Ukrainian Artists, Saatchi Gallery, London, England
Terrain Orientation, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 1 2
Contemporary Ukrainian Artists, Yermilovcentre, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Myth: Ukrainian Baroque, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 1 1
Indipendent, Art Arsenal, Kiev, Ukraine
20 years of Presence, Modern Art Research Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
New Old Masters, Lviv National Gallery of Arts, Lviv, Ukraine
Space Odyssey 2011, Art Arsenal, Kiev, Ukraine
Paper wars, Litexpo, Art Vilnius ’11, Vilnius, Lithuania
2 0 0 9
Pre-sale Sotheby‘s exhibition, London, England
Russian Poverty, III Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art Moscow, Russia
Tuning, Ya Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 0 8
Russian Poverty, Contemporary Art Museum, Perm, Russia
Russia-2, White Box, New York, USA
Ukrainian Art Project „4+4“, Graphic Art Center, Vilnius, Lithuania
2 0 0 7  
Book Lunch, Contemporary Art Center, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 0 6
Postorange, Project Space der Kunsthalle, Vienna, Austria
Golden Bee 7, International Biennale of Graphic Design, Moscow, Russia
New Space, PinchukArtCentre, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 0 5
Corcoran 2005 Portfolio, Corcoran Museum, Washington DC, USA
Farewell to Arms, Contemporary art in Ukraine, Arsenal, Kiev, Ukraine
2 0 0 3
I Collection, Contemporary Art in Ukraine, Central House of Artists, Kiev, Ukraine
International Graphic Art Symposium, Gyor, Hungary
2 0 0 2  
Pauper Papers together with Vera Khlebnikova, City Art Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
2 0 0 1
Hate, International Art Symposium, Czech Republic
The View From Here, Issues of Cultural Identity and Perspective in
Contemporary Russian and American Art, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia

Handshakes and Earthquakes, S. Picker Gallery, London, England
2 0 0 0
The Book of Days. Museum of Modern Life, Allested, Denmark
International Graphic Art Symposium, Gyor, Hungary
Border Space, International Symposium, Czech Republic
Secrets, Meier Vaneijsinga. Project en expositieruimte, Den Hague, Holland
1 9 9 9
Matrix, Trieste, Italy
Russian-Ukrainian Art Books, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russia
Russian-Ukrainian Art Books, Grapheion Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
XX Artists of Ukraine (The End of the Century), Atelier Karas Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
Art Books of the 90ties, City Gallery of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
1 9 9 8
Art Books of the 90ties, Montpelier Art Centre, Maryland,USA
1 9 9 7
Contemporary Print Show, Barbican, London, England
1 9 9 6
“A taste of Russian Artist’s Books” Idaho Center for the Book (Boise, Idaho, USA)
Moscow Studio, Corcoran Museum of Art, Washington DC, USA
International Art Festival, Kiev, Ukraine
1 9 9 5
The Book Garden, Contemporary Russian Artists Books, University Library Manchester, England
National Exhibition of Graphic Arts, Mall Galleries, London, England
1 9 9 4  
Time of Transition, Royal Society of Printmakers and Painters, London, England
Seasons, Academy of Fine Arts, Odense, Denmark
1 9 8 9
Sednev 89, State Museum of Ukrainian Art, Kiev, Ukraine
1 9 8 8
Sednev 89, House of Artists, Kiev, Ukraine